How do you reduce the risk of complications after Eyelid Surgery?
Blepharoplasty has become one of the leading cosmetic procedures to be performed annually. Patients who have elected to have this surgery as opposed to a full facelift have reported that their satisfaction with the overall appearance of their face improved significantly after their eyes regained a bit of youthfulness. Statements such as that are a testament to the benefits of a well-performed blepharoplasty. Still, patients are often concerned about the risk of post-surgical complications.
Instances of complications after blepharoplasty are low compared to the high success rates reported by patients. However, this is an important matter to consider and to discuss with your surgeon. As an oculoplastic surgeon, Dr. Murrell is acquainted with techniques that carefully consider the delicate nature of structures around the eye. Surgeries are performed in a manner that reflects extensive training and experience in eyelid procedures.
In addition to surgical performance, there are strategies that patients may implement from the onset of their cosmetic surgery experience all the way through recovery.
Select an experienced surgeon.
No plastic surgeries should be sought out of the country. Medical tourism may be popular, but that does not mean its safe. Consider what recourse you may (or may not) have if your out-of-country surgery did not go as planned. The risks of complications can be further reduced when you choose an oculoplastic surgeon versus a general, cosmetic surgeon for your eyelid procedure. Dr. Murrell established his private practice more than 30 years ago and has since founded Panhandle Eye Group Subspecialists. He has performed thousands of eye procedures during his career.
Patient Testimonial
“My experience with Dr. Murrell has been very pleasant and very effective. I am thankful my primary doctor recommended him. I will recommend him to all.”
Take “Me Time” after surgery.
We are so accustomed to the pressure of a busy lifestyle that post-surgical recovery may very well be something we try to rush. Don’t do this. For the first week after eyelid surgery, your primary job is to rest. That’s it. Sleep and an abundance of restful activity encourage the natural self-healing capabilities of the body.
Exercise is a word to take out of your vocabulary for the first few weeks after eye surgery. During this time of healing, the last thing the surgical site needs is an exertion of pressure. That means no lifting, jumping, bouncing, or bending.
If you are ready to see a younger version of yourself in the mirror, now may be a great time to learn more about blepharoplasty and how to minimize the risk of complications. Call our Amarillo office at (806) 351-1177 for assistance.