Not so fast!
Botox is an incredible anti-aging treatment. In many cases, it is possible to diminish under-eye wrinkling with this injectable; but not always.
The purpose of administering Botox is to reduce wrinkles, yes; but the mechanism matters. The way that these injectable drug works are by relaxing muscles. This releases the tugging that is pressed upon the skin and superficial tissue, which then lets the skin lie smoothly. The lines and wrinkles that develop under the eye occur only in part because of muscle movement. As such, these lines need to be approached with extreme care. If Botox is not used meticulously, the result of treatment could be bagging and drooping. It may even make it difficult to fulfill functions like closing your eyes or blinking.
Seek the Right Procedure for the Job
Under eye wrinkles, bags, and dark circles are common complaints that we hear from men and women of all ages. At the same time, we also hear a clear desire to remedy these concerns without surgery. As much as possible, we try to accommodate the unique needs of each patient. However, to treat under eye conditions with Botox without serious consideration would be remiss.
Blepharoplasty may be the most appropriate method of reducing lines and wrinkles across the lower eyelid. The procedure is minimally-invasive, performed to lift and tighten the superficial tissue that has thinned and weakened over time. Recovery from blepharoplasty is relatively short, and usually only mildly uncomfortable, if at all. Therefore, it should not be assumed that this surgery would be far more complex than routine Botox injections.
Are under eye wrinkles and bags causing you to feel less attractive? Let us help. Call (806) 351-1177 for a visit to one of our Amarillo offices.