The Quick Fix
Botox has got to be one of the quickest fixes for aging eyes to ever be developed. As we have learned from the numerous years Botox has been used and the millions of treatments that have been conducted since the FDA approved this product for cosmetic use, injections of a purified, diluted neurotoxin are safe and effective. Botox takes about five days to reach full effect on muscles. Within a week after treatment, patients go from looking fatigued and unfriendly to bright, energetic, and welcoming. There are very few side effects to Botox treatment, which is why there is virtually no downtime. Patients may notice slight swelling and redness as a result of injections. Some people develop minor flu-like symptoms such as a headache, but this usually diminishes within the first day of treatment. After that point, it’s nothing but beauty ahead.
The Long-Term Fix
There are clear advantages to reducing the signs of aging with periodic injections of Botox or dermal fillers. However, many of our patients express a desire for long-lasting results. The long-term fix for heavy, drooping, puffy eyelids is to remove excess tissue with a minor surgical technique. Dr. Murrell is an oculoplastic surgeon, meaning that his training has centered around the eyes and all vital structures that surround them. Blepharoplasty and other eyelid surgeries are his specialties. After a precise procedure to soften and widen the appearance of the eyes, patients are back to their normal routine within a few weeks. During this time, the most noticeable side effects are bruising and swelling. Pain is minimal after the first day or two, and prescription pain medication may be taken as directed to ensure a comfortable recovery.
Let’s tackle those beauty resolutions together. Call our Amarillo office today to schedule your consultation for eyelid rejuvenation.