The Value of Eyelid Surgery
Cosmetic eyelid surgery reduces cosmetic concerns, and it is also performed to improve vision. Over time, the lack of collagen in the matrix of fibers beneath the skin leads to sagging. Once the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, especially around the eyes, tissue can quickly deteriorate. The skin on the upper eyelid can droop over the field of vision. When the lower lids are affected, some people develop “pockets” in between the surface of the eye and the skin around it. Excessive accumulation of fatty deposits can cause what are called festoons, which could be described as under eye bags on steroids. Blepharoplasty can resolve both the visual and the cosmetic concerns related to loose, sagging skin.
Eyelid Surgery and Scars
Blepharoplasty, on both the upper and the lower eyelids, is conducted through incisions that are made in a way to prevent obvious scarring. They may be placed in a natural crease, or inside the eyelid, when possible. Even with the care that is taken to disguise scars, if they do occur, patients want to find ways to minimize the appearance of discoloration in the skin, or the risk thereof.
One way to decrease the chances that scarring may develop post-blepharoplasty is to avoid UV exposure. If you do go outdoors before your skin has completely healed, tissue may be protected behind sunglasses and under the brim of a hat. Don’t rely on just one; double up!
In addition to covering the eyes, the skin can also be treated directly. Patients who know they are prone to scarring can benefit from the preventive use of scar cream for a few weeks after surgery. We can discuss reputable products during the planning phases of care.
Dr. Murrell serves patients throughout the Amarillo area with personal ophthalmic and oculoplastic care. To learn more about eyelid surgery, call 806-351-1177.