Recovery from Cataract Surgery

cataract | amarillo tx Cataract surgery is one of the most frequent procedures performed in our Amarillo practice. Dr. Murrell is a trusted ophthalmologist who prepares patients for surgery with the full extent of information they need to make the most of this sight-restoring surgery. Cataract removal is a straightforward procedure that typically does not require much time for recovery. Many patients comfortably resume normal activities within one to two days of their treatment. Following post-surgery instructions is an important aspect of optimal healing.

Slowing down after Cataract Surgery
Having cataracts can make you feel as though you have to live life at a slower pace. The clouding of the natural lens causes some people to have to give up activities they always loved. So getting back to a normal pace is something you may want to do quickly. However, we encourage patients to give themselves a good 10 days to gradually move into that pace. This way, the risk of infection and injury are reduced.

The use of eye drops may be recommended after cataract removal as a step toward infection prevention. Eye drops may also minimize inflammation. This course of treatment may continue for up to 8 weeks post-surgery, but takes very little time out of your day to promote recovery. If, during the recovery period, you have questions or concerns, we are just a phone call away.

Tips for healing after cataract surgery include:

  • Postpone driving for a few days.
  • Stay in an upright position, keeping head above heart. This allows the eyes to heal without additional pressure placed on their internal structures. Intraocular pressure increases every time you bend over.
  • Sneezing also increases intraocular pressure substantially. Avoid sneezing if at all possible in the hours after surgery.
  • Normal activities may be resumed, but do NOT lift heavy objects or engage in strenuous activity for at least 7 days following cataract removal.
  • Be mindful about moving around for the first few days after surgery to avoid bumping into things.
  • Swimming pools and hot tubs contain bacteria. Avoid use in the first two weeks after cataract surgery.
  • Protect your eyes with sunglasses or other protective lenses so debris and dust do not land on the ocular surface.
  • Try not to rub your eyes.

Learn more about cataract removal from your Amarillo ophthalmologist Dr. Walter Murrell. Call (806) 351-1177.

Contact Us For All Your Health Related Queries!

Panhandle Eye Group Subspecialists

7411 Wallace Blvd
Amarillo, TX 79106

Amarillo Cataract & Eye Surgery Center

7310 Fleming Ave
Amarillo, TX 79106

Office Hours

We offer earlier morning appointment starting at 7:40am for those who choose to come in at an earlier convince. Our phone hours are as posted.

8:15 AM - 4:30 PM
8:15 am - 4:30 pm
8:15 am - 4:30 pm
8:15am - 12:30pm

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There is an upcoming solar eclipse that is taking place on April 8th.


We recommend that viewers do not look directly at the sun when outside and that eye protection must be worn at all times.


This is the latest IOL for Dr. Murrell's cataract practice. The LAL is the first IOL that can be adjusted after the surgery. Dr. Murrell can customize your IOL so that you can have the vision that you desire.

The LAL is a premium IOL which will not be covered under your medical insurance hence will have to pay for this IOL.


What's coming to Dr. Murrell's practice in the next few months.
Embrace with Accutite and Facetite and Morpheus Prime and Morpheus8

Accutite and Facetite: - These are FDA approved cosmetic devices that can melt fat and mildly tighten skin. It requires only a small opening in the skin. The Accutite is for small areas such as the upper and lower eyelids. The Facetite is for the larger areas of the face such as the jowls, neck, and nasolabial folds.

Morpheus Prime and Morpheus 8 - These are FDA approved cosmetic devices that are applied to the skin to tighten the skin and collagen underneath the skin. The Morpheus Prime is for smaller areas smaller areas such as the upper and lower eyelids. the Morpheus8 is for the larger areas of the face. Both Morpheus Prime and Morpheus 8 takes 3 treatments spaced 4 weeks apart from each other.

The Accutite and Morpheus Prime can both be performed to the eyelids to maximize the cosmetic effect. Likewise, the Facetite and Morpheus8 can both be performed to maximize the cosmetic effect.

The Embrace is the device that rungs the Accutite, Facetite, Morpheus8, and Morpheus Prime. These treatments are not covered by insurance. The patient will have to pay for the procedure.

What's New in Dr. Murrell Practice in 2023

Light adjustable IOl (LAL) for Cataract Patients

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