Heading in to the holiday season, we are hearing more frequently about aesthetic concerns. Fortunately, we have a very easy way to address them: Botox.
Lines and Wrinkles
The most prominent aspect of Botox that people recognize is this product’s ability to smooth lines around the eyes. This includes those little laugh lines at the outer corners, as well as frown lines between the brows. Furthermore, Botox can smooth away worry lines and reinstate a smooth, youthful forehead.
Sagging Brows
Perhaps one of the greatest advantages that was noticed during the early use of Botox Cosmetic was its effect on the eyebrows. As patients were treated for lines and wrinkles, they reported that their eyebrows were also raised slightly. Yes, some patients’ brows went a little too high, resulting in comedic skits and meme’s across the internet and television. The cause of sky-high brows came down to dosage and use, which is why consumers are encouraged to obtain treatment from a trusted medical office. We have treated numerous patients for sagging brows with excellent results.
Why the Upper Face
Botox is a product that is, for the most part, intended for the signs of aging that occur on the forehead and around the eyes. This is because the mechanism of this solution works on muscles, not on the skin itself. The intent behind Botox treatment is to relieve chronic contraction in specific muscles, thereby easing the pull on overlying skin.
Restoring a more youthful appearance is simple, and it can be done before your big holiday party! For convenient, comfortable treatment, call (806) 351-1177.